Wooden House Design: Ideal For Allergy Sufferers

People suffering from allergies and asthma are sensitive to climate, the environment including the home. People who have allergies must have their medication with them handy all of the time. Manufacturers of portable nebulizers make it easy and convenient for patients with asthma. But aside from medication, preventing the worse scenario is imperative. Therefore, it is also important to choose the right home to cope with their condition.

Wooden House Ideal For Those Living With Allergies And Asthma

The coating materials, paints and adhesives used in the construction of a traditional stone house contain volatile substances, some of which evaporate from the materials for many years after completion and can trigger allergies and asthma. For allergy sufferers, a wooden house offers decisive advantages over conventionally built houses.

Why is a wooden house the best choice for allergy sufferers?

By nature, wood does not contain any allergenic or health-endangering substances. The natural organic substances in wood, which are responsible for the typical wood smell, are also generally considered to be harmless.

Wood is open to diffusion, it regulates the humidity in a natural way through a slow but steady exchange of air. In this way, the room climate remains in a comfortable area for the whole family all year round. In addition, the room air is filtered through wood and is almost as fresh in a wooden house as it is in the great outdoors.

Another advantage for allergy sufferers in a wooden house are the walls, which are open to diffusion from the outside. This means that excess moisture is absorbed by the wood and can be transported to the outside without hindrance .

The wood also stays dry in the walls. Mold and mold spores that are dangerous for allergy sufferers and asthmatics have no chance in these houses .

Wooden houses consistently ecological!

The use of ecologically high quality materials for the construction of wooden houses is essential. Therefore, when building you own wooden house, use technically dried, untreated and absolutely dimensionally stable softwood as well as solid precious woods such as larch wood in certain areas of the construction. This means you wouldn’t be needing wood preservatives in the wooden construction your house.

Avoid physiologically harmful materials when it comes to thermal insulation and the cladding of walls and ceilings. For thermal insulation, use thermal insulation that had been awarded a very good rating by OKO-TEST. For the cladding, solid building boards that have been awarded the “eco” label from the Cologne Environmental Institute should be used as it is harmless to health and with low emissions. These eco label panels are extremely stable, breathable and offer excellent sound insulation properties.